Job Applicants
Your advantage – Our Promise
Only motivated staff will achieve positive results – and motivation is something that can be increased!
- Anyone can pay according to collective wage agreements – we pay above tariff.
- The customer’s company determines your wage – we look for the optimum solution for you.
- All verbal agreements are set down in writing in the job order for each respective client.
- You will get all equipment required for the work from us.
- Your application will be thoroughly considered, processed quickly and answered in a timely fashion.
- No effort without reward – a principle you can count on.
To our foreign staff members, we offer the opportunity of learning German. Those without any German may attend courses to learn the basics of the language, those with some German can improve their skills. These language courses are taught by a teacher specifically employed for that.
The placement is done according to the integration criteria stipulated by the Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge (German for “Federal Office for Migration and Refugees”).